After gathering the mushrooms from under the sacred trees where they appeared, the Waabs, Essene's, Imaam's, sheik's, shaman's they all would fill their sacks in different nations, countries, cultures and customs and return home. Climbing down the chimney entrances, they would share out the mushroom's gifts with those within … Santa also dresses like a mushroom gatherer, Anakanton and Nefertiti are with hands raised with Mushroom Cakes in hand. When it was time to go out and harvest the magical mushrooms, the ancient shamans would dress much like Santa, wearing red and white furtrimmed coats and long black boots.”
To this day Siberian shamans dress in ceremonial red and white fur trimmed jackets to gather the magic mushrooms, in Tamare Egipt of The West the ceremony is El Marguraj.
First they pick and place the mushrooms to partially dry on nearby pine boughs which prepares them for ingestion and makes the load lighter. This is why we decorate our Christmas trees with ornaments and bulbs, because the gatherers would always adorn trees with drying mushrooms.
Next the shaman collects his red and white presents in a sack and proceeds to travel from house to house delivering them.
During Siberian winters, the snow piles up past the doors of their yurts (huts), so the red and white clad shaman must climb down the smoke hole (chimney) to deliver the presents in his sack. Finally the appreciative villagers string the mushrooms up or put them in stockings hung affront the fire to dry.

When they awake in the morning, their presents from under the pine tree are all dried and ready to eat.
“The amanita mushroom needs to be dried before being consumed; the drying process reduces the mushroom's toxicity while increasing its potency. The shaman would guide the group in stringing the mushrooms and hanging them around the hearth fire to dry. This tradition is echoed in the modern stringing of popcorn and other items.”
“The ancient shamanic use of Amanita muscaria in Siberia is well documented. Despite governmental oppression against its use, there are still many who refuse to accept the authorized state religion, and continue the shamanic traditions in secret.
Just as the Siberian shaman (commonly dressing in red and white) would enter through the opening in the

roof of a home where a ritual was to be done, Santa Claus also arrives on the roof and enters through the chimney. Just as the shamans would gather the mushrooms in bags which they would bring with them when performing a ceremony, Santa Claus also (on the Holy Day) brings presents in a bag.”
Siberian reindeer also enjoy eating amanita mushrooms and thus are often used as a lure by the deer herding natives.
Since one of the hallucinatory experiences often felt on psychedelic mushrooms is that of flying, Santa’s flying reindeer most likely derive from this.
“Reindeer were the sacred animals of these semi nomadic people, as the reindeer provided food, shelter, clothing and other necessities. Reindeer are also fond of eating the amanita mushrooms; they will seek them out, and then prance about while under their influence … The effects of the amanita mushroom usually include sensations of size distortion and flying.
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