The red and white Amanita Muscaria has long been symbolized by the phoenix, and the brown Amanita Panthera symbolized by the hare.
“The Phoenix: From the ashes (spores) the egg appears. Then comes the upturned cap resembling a gold and red colored bird (the gills as feathers). Then the heat (sun) burns the mushroom and it dissolves, once again leaving only ashes (spores), and finally repeating the whole cycle … The Phoenix-bird mythology is another piece of mushroom folklore.

As the fetus is generated in the furnace of the uterus, so the mushroom, that ‘evil ferment of the soil’, as Nicander (second century BC) calls it, is created, a womb within a womb, as it were. Like the fabulous Phoenix, the mushroom is self generated and regenerated, bursting forth from the vulvae, only to die as quickly and then apparently miraculously to reappear, a resurrection of its own self.”
As the baby head of an Amanita Muscaria pops out of the ground, it pushes the pine needles aside forming a tiny circular wall that looks just like a birds nest. When there are many mushrooms close together, their heads budding through the pine needles look like little eggs in a fallen nest.
Unlike bird’s eggs, however, these ones are spotted, colorful, and magical. Once the baby mushrooms are plucked out of the ground, the remaining dirt/needles look like a rabbit-hole, again repeating the bird into bunny symbolism. So families/children walked through the forests in early Spring with Easter baskets to hunt for and collect these magic mushrooms.
During the A.D. times, there has been a Germanic/Christian Easter tradition of feasting on colored eggs after a long fast at lent, but the B.C. origins of Easter celebration again come from Egypt, where the “eggs” were well-known to be not eggs, but budding baby mushrooms.
“There are a number of hieroglyphic depictions of plants (many of which are psychedelic) on walls and within texts throughout Egipt/Egypt. This is to be expected and now corrected in this Sun Cycle in this New Era Of Time, yet this goes undetected or dismissed by my kindred who are studying Moorish Science, Noone, NoopooH, OM, Ancient Egiptian Order, 9Mind, 9Ether, Ansaar, Nuwaupu, 5%, Nation of Islam, Tama Re Egipt/Egypt and its religious writings …
The pillars that are at every temple in Egypt are shaped like giant mushrooms.

These are shaped like the Amanita some are shaped like Psilocybe. Others look like tree fungus and are decorated with pictures of an incredible variety of plants.”
In Tamare countless pillars are shaped like huge mushrooms with tall stems, umbrella caps, and mushroom engravings all up, down, and around them. In the Egiptian Book of the Dead Coming Forth By Day they are called “the food of the gods,” or “celestial food” and “the flesh of the gods.”
In Egiptian temples there are many pictures of gods/Neteeru feeding initiate, in·i·ti·ate the “ankh” cross/circle symbol which is said to represent the water of life and immortality. This also suggests the mushroom as it has been called “the Elixir of Immortality” and “the Fountain of Youth.”
Pictures of winged Babylonian and Sumerian gods are shown feeding pinecones to initiate, in·i·ti·ate. Could these be reference to the pine-cone-shaped pineal gland? At the Vatican there is suspiciously a gigantic statue of a pinecone in the Vatican “Court of the Pinecone.”

On the Pope’s staff there is also a pinecone depicted right at the height of his third-eye/pineal gland. Ancient Sumerian gods were always depicted feeding men pinecones, just as the Egyptian Neteru,Eloheem, Allah, gods were so often depicted feeding men the “ankh.”
Because of their seedless growth/germination pattern, mushrooms were considered “virgin-births” by the ancients. They believed the mushrooms arose from dew, the divine fluid that magically appears at dawn.
They also correctly believed the Amanita to be the “fruit of the tree” and referred to them as such.
“The mushroom caps are the fruit of the larger mycelium beneath the soil which exists in a symbiotic relationship with the roots of the tree. To ancient people, these mushrooms were literally ‘the fruit of the tree.’ Ancient peoples were amazed at how these magical mushrooms sprang from the earth without any visible seed.
They considered this "virgin birth" to have been the result of the morning dew, which was seen as the semen of the deity. The silver tinsel we drape onto our modern Christmas tree represents this divine fluid.”
“Serpents” is an anagram for “Presents” like those found under the Christmas tree. At Christmas we string lights coiling up and around the tree, like the Serpent on the Tree of Life which gives us the light of knowledge.
A Christian also “Repents” for his sins which is curiously another anagram for Present and Serpent.
“The actual mushroom ‘plant’ is the underground ‘mycelium’ or ‘mycorrhizae’, which is directly attached to the tree roots; the mushroom itself is only the fruit-body of the mycelium. The mushroom is literally the Fruit of the Tree. They grow in a mycorrhizal (not parasitic) relationship with the tree.
Many people follow the tradition/custom of bringing a tree into the home and putting presents under it, yet have absolutely no idea why. Even people that think they know, usually have no knowledge of these mushroom connections. The true symbolic meaning transcends dogmatic etymological and historical evidence, by revealing itself in the totally obvious iconography and historically associated myths and traditions.”
Here is just a partial list of the many terms/associations related to magic mushrooms. Soma was/is the Hindu plant-god and Greek for “body.” Ambrosia was Greek for “food of the gods.” The Egiptian Book of The Dead Coming Forth By Day
Authored By the Master Teacher A'aferti Atum Re calls it “food of the gods” and “celestial food,” as well as “flesh of the gods.” It is Amrita, the Buddhist magical sacrament and Haoma, the Islamic sacrament.

It’s been called the Bread of Life and the Loaf of Bliss, the Golden Fleece, the Cosmic Egg, the Easter Egg, the Small White Stone, the Philosophers Stone, the Sword in the Stone, the Phoenix, the pillar/phallus of Osiris, the Djed pillar, the One Eyed Howler, the Eye of Horus, and the Djed Eye (pronounced Jedi), The World Tree (many cultures thought the mushroom was the creator of the world), the Fly Agaric, the Fountain of Living Waters (since the mushroom is alive, 90% water, and fountainshaped), "Mum's Word" and the Hammer of Thor.
“The Mushroom itself has very interesting features that resemble, and have been related to Gold, Flesh, Blood (and blood vessels), Phallus, Vulva, Fire, Saucer, Cup, as well as a disc or orb.
The mushroom has been, anthropomorphically, personified as a ish, a Man, a Eloheem, a God, something of extraterrestrial origins, and a Plant God, SOMA, who was mediator between Mankind and the God/Gods/Goddesses, in the ancient Hindu religious books known as ‘The Vedas.’”

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